The Drumming Guys The Drumming Guys - Drumming team building, Interactive drumming
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Drumming Guys team for performancesThe Drumming Guys


The Drumming Guys specialise in all things drumming - from team building drumming sessions, to interactive events and drumming performances,
drum sales, drumming parties, and more...

We have a passion for percussion!

For any enquiries or an obligation free quotation -
contact us

Where do we operate? - we offer drumming team building & entertainment services throughout SA (South Africa) and abroad. We have drummers operating in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban.. and where ever required.. we gladly travel to any other areas.
Enquire for more info.

We also subcontract to Team building and Events companies.
Client Feedback:
"They said it was absolutely great and would make use of our services again, which is wonderful to hear. Thanks."

Whatsapp or call: 065 375 5982 | Call: 082 755 4619 |
Instagram - The Drumming Guys Facebook - drumming guys Linked In - network Youtube - drumming co za

Visit our instagram account for the latest updates, photos and videos.

The Drumming Guys - High Impact Showstopper Performance.
Featuring African Drums, Percussion & Zulu Dancers.

Get into the groove with interactive drumming!

Interactive Drumming team build
Interactive drumming sessions
We come to you, bringing with us all the necessary drums and instruments. And soon you'll be making music facilitated by our professional drummers - ideal for year-end functions, team building, parties, tour groups, conferences, schools, weddings, family gatherings...

We use djembe drums which are easy to play, highly responsive, and our drum facilitators will have any group drumming together in minutes. Which creates synergy - bringing diverse energies together to form into one team.

We deliver awesome team experiences!

Client feedback -
"The drumming was great, everyone enjoyed it so much!
After the conference we needed an activity to release energy."

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa
Heritage Day event - team building drumming for Exxaro, Pretoria

The Drumming Guys

We always bring our best to every performance.
Our team of facilitators have years of international experience.
Here in action, for a Team building event for Heritage Day with Exxaro.

5 Ways to build winning Teams

People are the most important part of an organisation - human capital. Losing staff can be a huge cost to business, in terms of capital, talent and the cost of replacing and training people.
Here are the 5 top tips for building teams, from a leading business consultant.

1) Show appreciation for your staff. Recognise and reward.

2) Create a sense of belonging - Build a culture so that people feel part of a unique community - where they can come to work and be part of a community, sharing similar values - and make connections with people they like. Socialise.

3) Management should challenge people individually, and their teams. Develop people and give feedback - both candid and inspirational - but keep it honest, people are quick to identify disengenuous motivational talks and it creates problems. Management should develop people and talent - to mentor people, and take them to the next level.

4) Celebration. The Team that celebrates together - stays together. Don't wait until year-end, celebrate the "process wins" - celebrate the small results achieved along the way. As you do that it creates energy and momentum - and people resonate with your vision and objectives.

5) Large organisations. Everyone on your team needs to feel like they make a difference. Your job is to constantly communicate your
vision for the future so the team can rally around your vision, and invest their talents, energy and loyalty.

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa

Drumming Team building Activities

We address many of the points above during our drumming team building activities, organising team builds shows appreciation, bringing a group together to socialise and create a community - strengthening social bonds; learning new skills and working together to achieve a common goal; and - celebrating together.

drumming team building workshopTeam Building Drumming Session
Still the most popular choice. Our drumming team building sessions are high energy, interactive, fun and effective.
We have many years of expertise in producing succesful events, and aim to bring you a memorable, unique & rewarding team building experience.

click here for more detailed information.

Interactive drumming Performance

This is a combination of both an African drumming performance and an interactive team building event. Our Professional drummers are also our team building facilitators.
Let us take your team on an interactive musical journey, and unite everyone with music.

Beginning with a performance on West African djembe drums & Doun Douns (Bass drums), that evolves into the entire group making music together, while the audience have no instruments but their hands, feet and voices.

A truly interactive Performance!
The audience is encouraged to express themselves creatively.. singing, clapping and dancing!

This is ideal for events with large groups where drums are not required for participants, but audience interaction is a priority.

Client: PKF Octagon - Heritage Day 2024
Client Feedback: "Your team is excellent - they really delivered a great performance! Everyone loved it!"

Enquire for more info

Remote team building

A highly memorable group event using found percussion and kitchen utensils to make music together.

Client: Food and Trees for Africa
Client feedback: Your team was amazing! They interacted so well with the team in the office and online. Not an easy thing to do, but Khensani made it look so easy!

Boomwhackers!! - A high energy session with sounding tubes, this team building activity can be combined with interactive drumming.

Interactive Gumboot Dancing
This Team building activity utilises the uniquely South African dance form of Gumboot dancing, where rhythm and dance combine to create a unique experience. Within minutes we will have your team working together - and utimately, collaborating in creating a dance routine together.
Gumboot dancing was initially developed in South African mines, and used for communication.

Belly Dance & Middle Eastern rhythms workshop
A drumming and dance team building session using middle eastern rhythms and belly dancing, Our facilitators will begin by teaching basic rhythms for belly dancing, the belly dance facilitator will teach the accompanying dances. The team can be divided into drummers and dancers, and swap roles during the session. There are also different accompanying dances specifically for males (which don't require too much dexterity).

Percussion & drum making team build
We teach your team to make their own drums & percussion instruments, the workshop concludes with an interactive drumming session - since you have to experience playing your own drums & instruments once you've completed making them. This workshop which can be extended over a few days and can include other team building activities imbetween.

Paint drumming
A unique new concept introduced by popular demand. Enquire for more details. It's an amazing experience of sound and colour!
This activity has been postponed until after lockdown.

Contact us for more information or a quotation.

Drumming for Schools

From interactive team building drumming sessions for School staff or learners, to regular (weekly or monthly) drumming workshops where the aim is to teach the subtleties of percussion techniques and rhythms - and set learners on a path to discovering the joys of music.

Hand drumming is suitable for all ages - from Pre-primary to High School and University students - and has numerous benefits, including developing cognitive, memory and motor skills.
[Learn more here]

Learn about hand drums from around the world here. History of hand drums, techniques, rhythms and video links.

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa

Watch our Videos

Below are some of our youtube videos of our team building sessions,
interactive drumming events & live performances (youtube links open new windows):
Team building drumming session - unifying with rhythm.

Interactive drumming
- calling the rest of the company to come drum!

Interactive drumming session for Merck 350 yr Birthday - international live broadcast event.
See another video from this event here.

Team building drumming session encore - "We want more!"
"Thank you so much to you and the team for an excellent drumming session on Friday at our team building event.
The response from our staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the drumming session and it was very well conducted.
Job well done !!!"

Drumming team building for year-end function - Pretoria.
This is how it feels when the group plays as one - interactive drumming for company event.

A unique show - combining African drums, Cuban percussion and an electrifying performance.
Client Feedback -
International Luxury Hotel Owner's Conference (Cape Town):
"Thank you very much for your performance on Saturday night - our guests loved you
and everybody couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had!"

Flashmob rehearsal (Drum & Dance)
- Sunninghill, Johannesburg.
Creative collaborations and tailor made performances for events.

Drummers for functions
Nkgwete IT Solutions year-end awards 2020 - Welcome drummers for African themed event, Sandton, Johannesburg.

View more of our videos here >>

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa

Drumming and Dance Performances | Drumming Entertainment

High energy drumming performancesWest African drumming
High energy West African drumming and dance. From welcome drummers for events and conferences, to on-stage performances. African drummers ensemble - can include dancers and other performers. Performances can be combined with interactive drumming.

Gumboot Dance
Showcasing the dance form that was invented in South African mines. Also offering other SA dance forms.

Cuban and Afro-cuban Percussion
Cuban rhythms and instruments have their origins in Africa, but have evolved over the years into a distinct latin sound that is associated with Salsa, Jazz and more.
Salsa, Latin and African Jazz bands also available.

Middle Eastern Darbuka and Zaffa drummers
Can be combined with Bellydance. Very popular with Middle Eastern themed events and weddings.

Marimba band
Playing traditional Southern African marimba classics and contemporary songs. The band also performs with dancers for more visual effect! Popular for wedding entertainment.

[See more on our Performances page]

Obini Bata - Cuban drummingObini is the Yoruban word for Woman.
Bata drumming is the oldest drum tradition of Cuba, descended from African traditions.

Obini Bata was formed by Director Eva Despaigne and other members of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba - Cuba's national folkloric music and dance company.

In Cuba the Bata are traditionally played only by men, but Obini Bata have challenged centuries of tradition and taboo by becoming the first all-female bata drumming ensemble in Cuba.

See their documentary on youtube - Una sonrisa para el tambor / A smile for the drum -

Learn more about Obini Bata here - Performances, dance & drumming workshops, Booking info.

Quote of the Day

Excerpt from an interview Ruben Yizmeyian conducted with Giovanni Hidalgo (Puerto Rico) in Montevideo, Uruguay -

What do you feel when the understanding is and most of your colleagues say you're the best Percussionist in the world?

GH: Is that true?! We have millions of creatures on this earth with different gifts, I try to do my best in my instrument ... there are many very good Congueros and Percussionists, but in that giant diversity in life, teach and learn is an infinite cycle that goes together... then, it is impossible to be the best in the world.

View: on Youtube - Power of Rhythm Podcast (2021) - Interview with Giovanni Hidalgo.

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa

Drums & Percussion Sales

buy Djembe & bongo drumsWe offer a variety of traditional and modern drums and percussion instruments. Be it factory produced or hand made - try us for great value and excellent quality.

We specialise in hand carved african djembes, doun douns (West African bass drums) and other african drums and instruments.

Souvenir Drums for gifts, or promotions also available.

Custom Drums - we hand make professional quality drums and instruments for the stage and studio - djembe, douns, quinto, conga, tumba, bongos and more - contact us for further info.

Hand made Congas review
- Drums & Percussion SA Magazine
(Issue 19) -
 "A product that comfortably sits up there with the best the world has to offer."

Read the full Conga review here -->>

Interview with Musica Na Mochila (Music for Backpackers) -
Brazilian TV documentary.


We undertake repairs to a variety of hand drums and percussion instruments.
We repair and re-head Djembes, Bongo drums, Congas, Doun Douns (African Bass drums), Frame drums etc...
[Go here for more information on drum repair]

Drumming Lessons

Learn to play Djembe, Congas, bongos and other African and Cuban percussion instruments.
Private and group drumming lessons offered. The best way to gain confidence in playing, learn rhythms and improve your technique is through personal tuition.

Contact us for more information.

Learn more about various hand drums of the world here.

5 Ways to reduce Work - related stress

1) Get organised to feel more in control.
2) Take time off to recharge.
3) Exercise as part of your work day wind down.
4) Disconnect from devices at home.
5) Speak up if you can't cope with your workload.

Drumming Therapy

Drumming TherapyNumerous medical studies have shown the health benefits of drumming, as well as a wide range of applications.
From group drumming sessions to individual therapy - hand drumming has been proven to be highly effective and very versatile, and has been used in a variety of therapeutic contexts.
Contact us for further information.
[More about drumming therapy here]

Our Approach to Interactive Drumming Team Building

We can custom make team building experiences to address your specific organisational needs.

We like Musicality, strong rhythm, good groove and tight playing.
We have a passion for percussion!

We are results driven - and have every intention of making your event a success.

We treat everyone with equal respect, regardless of their position in the organisation.

Our sessions are designed to bring out the best in your team - uniting people and demonstrating the benefits of co-operation
. While offering a unique and memorable experience.

Because that is what facilitates real team development - and makes the team stronger.

Client feedback -

Johannesburg Stock Exchange
"Thank you very much to Johan and his team for coming to host our drumming team building event. The drumming was fun, energising and had the whole team dancing and singing. Their performance was brilliant and well enjoyed by all in the team. The drumming brought the team together to all have fun together without considering which person performs which role in the office, and outside we were all just a bunch of people having fun and making music together.
Thank you again!"

Nativa Healthcare (Pretoria):
"As a Social Psychologist I can tell you this form of team building (drumming) really works. People normally take much longer to begin socialising the way they are now- and it was catalysed by your drumming session."

SAPREF (Durban):
"Just a quick note to say thank you for the great afternoon.
Everyone had such fun and it was wonderful to see our whole department join in.
It definitely was a positive step towards Building our Team."

Corporate Learning Consultant (Jhb):
(Drumming workshops for team building during Lockdown - theme: Synergy)
"We appreciate your exceptional service delivery and reliability.
Looking forward to building a long lasting relationship."


Drumming PerformanceThe Drumming Guys were selected to arrange & perform the live drumming soundtrack for the official FIFA 2010 World Cup theme song.

The FIFA 2010 World Cup took place in South Africa, the official song and video was commissioned by the SA Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
The video was flighted on all SABC TV channels prior to and during the World Cup. Here we are at Lesedi Cultural Village - filming the live performance.

drumming co za - drumming team building South Africa

Contact Details

Johan Botha (BA - University of the Witwatersrand)
Whatsapp: 065 375 5982

Call: 082 755 4619


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